In today’s market a traditional full-time employee CFO will cost an organisation from $150,000pa up to $250,000pa or more. On top of this, the employer must pay annual leave, sick leave, superannuation and any other fringe benefits such as car parking spaces, mobile phones and the like. Further costs are the on-costs of providing office space, furniture, computer facilities, software and the list goes on.
The total cost, some of which is hidden, can be around $250,000 to $300,000pa.
With CFO Pro however, once systems are established and operating effectively, a CFO is typically only required for a few days a month. The complete cost comes out at about $30,000 to $60,000 per annum.
This can give businesses real savings of $220,000 to $240,000 each year.
Contact us for a free assessment of your business to see how much you can save.